The Giro d'Italia in Val Müstair on 21 May!

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A joyful celebration

Flax «Brächete» in Val Müstair

The Brächete is a traditional celebration that takes place in autumn and focuses on the collective processing of the harvested flax fields. Thus, also in Val Müstair, rippling, breaking and haying is done again at the Brächete.

A top event is coming up

Save the Date

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, the first "Brächete Val Müstair" will take place: Through traditional craftsmanship, fine linen fabrics are created from flax plants. At the Brächete, crushers with traditional tools will demonstrate the manual work that used to characterize local textile production. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., visitors have the opportunity to participate in the processing and learn a lot of exciting facts about flax.

Programm 14.10.2023

Verarbeitungsstationen riffeln, brechen, hecheln, spinnen, weben
Markt Klein aber fein: Marktstände mit Flachs- und Leinenprodukten
Verpflegung Bringen Sie Hunger mit, wir sind gut vorbereitet!
Musik Ronja Hohenegger
Unterhaltung Wettbewerb und spannende Spiele
Teilnehmende Chasa de Capol, Pauraria Puntetta, Caterina Bott, Andrea Pitsch Sattlerei, Divers Elvira Pünchera, Pauraria Pitsch, Hof Bain Bun, Amalia Wallnöfer Bioprodukte, Textilatelier Meili Pfäffikon ZH, Regula Verdet-Fierz Künstlerin, Brigitta Balmer Atelier, Handweberei Tessanda, ziehLein, Biosfera Val Müstair, Landwirte und Anbauer:innen
Besonderes Flachsanbauer:innen haben die Möglichkeit ihren eigenen Flachs zu verarbeiten. Informationen bei:
Partner Handweberei Tessanda, Kloster St. Johann, ziehLein